Winter Rodent Control in Central Oregon

It’s that special season, and up on the housetop it isn’t reindeer paws you are hearing, but the scratching and gnawing of another furry creature that also likes cookie crumbs and holiday leftovers: rodents and vermin!

As the colder weather sets in, rodents such as mice, rats, pack rats and other vermin actively seek warmer places like homes, cars and recreational vehicles for safe harbor, food, water and shelter. Contrary to popular belief, many of these pests do not hibernate, but actually become more active pests for homeowners in the winter.

There are many ways to mitigate rodents in your personal spaces during the winter time. A pest exterminator or pest control service like Central Oregon Pest Solutions (C.O.P.S.), can inspect your home, identify areas of vulnerability, and even mitigate the issue if needed. You can even set up a seasonal schedule to prevent vermin from making home in your home-sweet-home without even thinking about it (call us for details: 541-600-9008 ).

There are also a few key steps you can take yourself to prevent a mouse or rodent infestation such as checking your garage door for gaps, doing an outdoor walk around to identify points of entry, checking your seals, and looking for early signs of an infestation, especially in the attic, walls, basement, crawl space, insulation, and in storage boxes.

Fact: A mouse only needs a hole the size of a pencil to squeeze through and make residence in your home, so if the process seems daunting, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals for mouse mitigation and rodent control.

Don’t ignore the scratching and gnawing sounds in your home! We assure you, they probably aren’t the prancing and pawing of cute little reindeer hoofs! A call to Central Oregon Pest Solutions can take care of the situation faster than Santa can get down the chimney. Open 24-hours a day and on holidays!


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